“HAPPINESS” / “Team Appreciation and Engaging Intervention”

The Content Management and Solutions (Pvt) Ltd (CMS) once realized the ultimate goal of an individual is the “HAPPINESS” and it was a great pleasure to address its staff on “Team Appreciation and Engaging Intervention” along with DAASH Consultancy and Training (Pvt) Ltd on 10th March 2022 via MS Teams platform for an hour.

The programme was evolved around;

– Cultivating happy and positive thoughts 
– How to be appreciative of things we’ve got (eg: Good health, Family, Job, other facilities) 
– Self-reflect on the things mostly grateful for (eg: Write top 5 things most grateful for in life,etc)
– Self-love /self-appreciation – (eg: Understand what would love to do during leisure time / Finding a hobby that make the mind relaxed)
– Few games to relax the mind
– How to maintain healthy relationships with family / colleagues / customers 
– to keep the mind calm in difficult situations 

” Accountability”

A set of IT executives@ FORTUDE a subsidiary of BRANDIX GROUP were victimized of the programme on “Accountability” for 3 hours on 14th October 2022.

While listening to actively to the presentation on;

– The difference between “Responsibility” and “Accountability”
– Key aspects of accountability,

They enjoyed watching a video and fixing a “Lego” item (Some pieces were stolen to show them how “Accountable” they are to protect tools accomplish the ultimate goal.